Tuis Reserva de Santa Elena

Another cloud forest preserve was opened in 1992 near the town of Santa Elena. The Reserva de Bosque Nuboso Santa Elena is administered by a foundation, and the land is the property of the state. Well-maintained trails lead through the forest, and reveal a wealth of flora and fauna. When the weather is good, it is sometimes possible to find a vantage point from which the Arenal volcano is visible. The latest innovation in the area is the so-called Sky Walk, which is directly off the approach road. It consists of a two-kilometer-long elevated path through a new private 228-hectare preserve. Visitors walk through the forest across five hanging bridges that are up to 120 meters long and swing up to 37 meters over the forest floor. The Sky Walk affords a rare glimpse into the usually unreachable treetops of the rain forest, at a far more reasonable price than the aerial tram (see page 193). The new Orchid Garden, with more than 380 species of this fascinating plant, is on the road to Monteverde, about 850 meters beyond the town limits of Santa Elena.
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