New Zealand Hotels

We really care for our clients, offering professional, person to person guidance and expert know-how required to make educated New Zealand vacation choices. We listen to you first, are innovative, and consistently add valuable solutions that exceed our customer's expectations. We will orchestrate your New Zealand vacation and make a world of difference in the way you experience travel. The rates you see here are only published fares. Contact us for our exclusive deals, often much better value, lower air ticket prices, free room upgrades and amenities too.

An awesome luxury villa in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand
A great old hotel with a fine luxury experience and good location
A fabulous lodge on the beautiful Waikato River near Lake Taupo
Treetops Resort is a luxury experience in a sanctuary and retreat of breathtaking terrain
Wharekauhau Country Estate has private native forest, spectacular beaches, rivers, lakes and wetlands,
An exceptional luxury lodge in Queenstown with a great spa
Start with our vacation planner so we can match you with our most suitable travel advisor. We do it all for you, air, car, accommodations, tours, you name, it in a seamless luxury vacation experience you will treasure for a lifetime.