The Experience

The Inca Utama Hotel and Spa started as a modest project in the early 90’s and has grown into a tourism complex highlighting the Andean cultures.

Today it is a 65 room room hotel devided into two buildings – the original low slung main building housing reception, an elevator and rooms, and the new high-rise Colonial towers with accommdations and its own elevator as well. There is a fully equipped spa complete with saunas, massage, hydrotherapy, mud and salt baths and other traditional natural medicine of the Andes treatments.

The Sumaj Untavi Restuarant is one of the two restaurants of the complex, with nightly “Pena” folkloric presentations.

The other restaurant is the new Choza Nautica, in a thatched roof building built out over the water and offering spectacular vistas of the lake.

There is also a cozy bar-lounge complete with fireplace, over-stuffed chairs and couches and TV with educational video collection.

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