The Experience

La Creole Beach Hotel & Spa is one of the MOST pleasant hotels of the archipelago of Guadeloupe. Situated at the heart of a tropical garden, Among palm trees, hibiscuses and bougainvillea, close to a beach of white sand, icts architecture of wood and vegetation . Will seduce you Between Basse-Terre and Grand-Terre, facing the islet of Gosier and just a short distance from Pointe-à-Pitre, La Creole Beach Hotel is an ideal starting points for: – discovering unforgettable landscapes – Spending a relaxing stay – practicing a wide-range of sports – eating refined Creole cuisine. La Creole Beach Hotel & Spa is located: – 12 km away from POLE CARIBBEAN International airport. – 7 km away from Pointe-a-Pitre – 1 km from the town of Gosier .

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