The Experience
Round-trip flights from Los Angeles to Rarotonga on Air New Zealand
6 nights Rarotonga Edgewater Resort – Garden Room
Receive $100 resort credit per room
Complimentary use of snorkeling equipment
Daily activities program
6 nights Aitutaki Tamanu Beach Resort – Studio Garden Bungalow
Continental breakfast daily
Inter-island flight transfers between Rarotonga & Aitutaki
Airport/hotel transfers on each island
Value add!
Receive complimentary 2 hour giant clam snorkeling tour and 1 island night dinner for 2 at Tamanu Beach Resort in Aitutaki
Start with our vacation planner so we can match you with our most suitable travel advisor. We do it all for you, air, car, accommodations, tours, you name, it in a seamless luxury vacation experience you will treasure for a lifetime.