Angra dos Reis

Angra dos Reis, is in the south of Rio de Janerio State. There are lots of islands and recreational areas in this place, fishing, boating, great beaches, resorts and outdoor activities. There are many celebrities living on the Big Island.

Located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Angra dos Reis is a popular city due to its remarkable beaches and over three-hundred islands. Residents of Rio often visit this ocean city because of its far less crowded shores and quieter setting. The white sand beaches and clear blue waters of Angra dor Reis have attracted many celebrities to the area, so on a boat tour you can see all of the mansions erected on private islands.

There is one island in Angra dos Reis that stands out more than the rest, and it called Ilha Grande. This island is the ideal destination for adventure-seekers, because it is home to several nature trails, waterfalls, and secret beaches waiting to be discovered. Ilha Grande is one reason why Angr dos Reis is considered to be such a paradise.

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