Isla Juan Fernandez

Located over four-hundred miles off the coast of Chile, the Isla Juan Fernandez is a group of three remote islands.

The most popular of the three, Robinson Crusoe Island, is famous for being the deserted island that Alexander Selkirk was marooned on, which inspired the well-known novel The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.,

The islands are breathtaking to look at because they rise sharply out of the Pacific to peaks of over five-thousand feet. These stunning islands are also home to fascinating ecosystems full of nature and wildlife, making the archipelago an official UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve.

These islands are virtually unknown by most tourists, unlike most other destinations, so you won,™t find any crowded areas. If you want to truly get away to a quaint, remote paradise, then Isla Juan Fernandez is the perfect place for you.

Start with our vacation planner so we can match you with our most suitable travel advisor. We do it all for you, air, car, accommodations, tours, you name, it in a seamless luxury vacation experience you will treasure for a lifetime.